Petites Singularités


Moving to Actualize a 3rd TechnoScape

Given the singularity of each resistance organization, we propose to look for convergence points where we can act together and share affordances actualized in tools adapted to, and emerging from our practices. Exploring processes of organization in groups via their technological practices in specific relation to elected tools, we look for transversal links. We build on community experiences characterising them from our own past and evaluating actual modes and com-possibilities.

Among other things we're looking for:

  • The conditions for a technological practice embedded in a community.
  • The sustainability of organic collective technological practices.
  • Distantiating from the need of immediate quantifiable 'impact'.

Today, building tomorrow

  • to refuse the negation of life
  • to recognize freed territories
  • to uphold freedom initiatives
  • to organize production