# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 IN COMMON Collective # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later module ApplicationHelper def current_agency current_user.agencies.where(agent: current_agent).first end %w(observer editor maintainer leader).each do |role| define_method :"current_user_#{role}?" do current_agency.send(:"#{role}?") end end # Markdown helper # Always use all extensions. Additional parser and render options may be # passed as a second argument. # # @param markdown (String) a string to parse as Markdown source # @param options (String or Array) an optional parser/renderer option # @return String HTML-formatted from Mardkown source def m(markdown, options = nil) tag.div( CommonMarker.render_doc( markdown.to_s, options.to_a + default_commonmarker_options, default_commonmarker_extensions ).to_html.html_safe, class: 'markdown') end private # CommonMarker extensions # See https://github.com/gjtorikian/commonmarker#extensions def default_commonmarker_extensions [ :table, :tasklist, :strikethrough, :autolink, :tagfilter ] end # CommonMarker options # See https://github.com/gjtorikian/commonmarker#options def default_commonmarker_options [ #:HARDBREAKS, # only seems to work with render_html, but then all others # only work with render_doc :FOOTNOTES, :SMART, :STRIKETHROUGH_DOUBLE_TILDE, :VALIDATE_UTF8 ] end end