// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 IN COMMON Collective // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later // Visit The Stimulus Handbook for more details // https://stimulusjs.org/handbook/introduction // import { Controller } from "stimulus" export default class extends Controller { static targets = [ "category", "deploy", "filter", "layers", "section", "toggle" ] initialize() { console.log("Taxonomy controller initialized.") this.overlays = {} this.sectionsOnMap = [] } connect() { console.log("Taxonomy controller connected.") this.taxonomy_uuid = this.data.get('uuid') if (this.hasFilterTarget) { let url = `/taxonomies/${this.data.get('uuid')}/filter.js` console.log(`loading url = ${url}`) fetch(url, { headers: { accept: 'application/json'} }) .then(response => response.text()) .then(html => this.filterTarget.innerHTML = html) } else { console.log("Taxonomy filter is missing") } // Access the map if (this.map = document.querySelector('#map').parentElement.map.map) { console.log("Taxonomy Controller connected to this.map") } else { console.log("Taxonomy Controller could not load map!") } } deploy() { console.log(`deploying taxonomy ${this.data.get('uuid')}`); fetch(`/taxonomies/${this.data.get('uuid')}.js`) .then(response => response.text()) .then(html => this.deployTarget.innerHTML = html); } toggle() { var cssClass = 'on'; this.toggleTarget.classList.toggle(cssClass) this.filterTarget.parentNode.classList.toggle(cssClass) } category(event) { let catId = (event.target.dataset.taxonomyCategoryId || event.target.parentNode.parentNode.dataset.CategoryId) let secId = event.target.dataset.taxonomySectionId console.log(`Category: ${catId}/${secId}`) var active = event.target.classList.toggle('active') if (active) { console.log('activated') } else { console.log('deactivated') } } loadCategory(catId) { document.querySelector(`#category-${catId}`).lastChild.childNodes.forEach(function(li) { this._mapLayerToggleSection(li.dataset.taxonomySectionId) }) } section(event) { let secId = event.target.dataset.taxonomySectionId console.log(`Section: ${secId} to be loaded`) this._loadMarkers(secId) this._mapLayerToggleSection(secId) } _loadMarkers(secId) { if (this.overlays[secId] == undefined) { console.log(`loading markers for section ${secId}`) let overlay = L.layerGroup(); let markers = L.markerClusterGroup(); fetch(`/sections/${secId}.json`, { headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token': this._csrfToken() } }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { L.geoJSON(data, { pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) { return L.marker(latlng, { attribution: feature.source, icon: L.ExtraMarkers.icon({ icon: feature.icon.name, extraClasses: feature.style.classes, markerColor: feature.style.color, shape: feature.icon.shape, prefix: 'fa', svg: true }) }).bindPopup(feature.popup); }, onEachFeature: (feature, layer) => { layer.on('click', () => this.onClick(layer)) layer.addTo(markers) } }) }) console.log(`cluster counts ${markers.length} markers`) this.overlays[secId] = markers } } onClick(layer) { console.log(layer) } _mapLayerToggleSection(secId) { if (this.sectionsOnMap.includes(secId)) { console.log(`removing section ${secId} from map`) this.map.removeLayer(this.overlays[secId]) this.sectionsOnMap.pop(secId) } else { console.log(`adding section ${secId} to the map`) this.sectionsOnMap.push(secId) this.overlays[secId].addTo(this.map) } } _csrfToken() { return document.querySelector('[name=csrf-token]').content } }