class UUIDResolver # Note the static '4' in the third group: that's the UUID version. UUID_V4_REGEX = %r[\A[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\z] attr_reader :records, :count, :record, :uuid def initialize(uuid) @uuid = validate!(uuid) @records, @count = resolve! end def record case @count when 0 nil else records.first end end private # List models that have UUIDs def public_record_types [ ::Agent, ::Map, ::Resource, ::Taxonomy ].freeze end # Find records with this UUID def resolve! records = [] public_record_types.each do |model| records << model.find_by(uuid: @uuid) end [records.compact, records.compact.size] end # Ensure the passed UUID is correct def validate!(uuid) validate_uuid_v4(uuid) || raise("You must pass a valid random UUID (")) end # Validate a UUID version 4 (random) def validate_uuid_v4(uuid) uuid = uuid.to_s.downcase uuid.match?(UUID_V4_REGEX) ? uuid : false end end