# frozen_string_literal: true # Use this setup block to configure all options available in MetaTags. MetaTags.configure do |config| # How many characters should the title meta tag have at most. Default is 70. # Set to nil or 0 to remove limits. # config.title_limit = 70 # When true, site title will be truncated instead of title. Default is false. # config.truncate_site_title_first = false # Maximum length of the page description. Default is 300. # Set to nil or 0 to remove limits. # config.description_limit = 300 # Maximum length of the keywords meta tag. Default is 255. # config.keywords_limit = 255 # Default separator for keywords meta tag (used when an Array passed with # the list of keywords). Default is ", ". # config.keywords_separator = ', ' # When true, keywords will be converted to lowercase, otherwise they will # appear on the page as is. Default is true. # config.keywords_lowercase = true # When true, the output will not include new line characters between meta tags. # Default is false. # config.minify_output = false # When false, generated meta tags will be self-closing () instead # of open (``). Default is true. # config.open_meta_tags = true # List of additional meta tags that should use "property" attribute instead # of "name" attribute in tags. # config.property_tags.push( # 'x-hearthstone:deck', # ) end