path: root/index-005.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <meta charset="UTF-8">
- <title>DREAM enables Group P2P Collaboration</title>
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- <header>
- <h1>DREAM</h1>
- <h2>Internet protocols and applications
- to empower citizens to act and find agency together</h2>
- <p class="tagline">
- <abbr title="Distributed Replicated Edge Agency Machine">DREAM</abbr> enables Peer-to-Peer Group Collaboration
- </p>
- </header>
- <main role="main">
- <aside>
- <section id="pitch">
- <h2>Distributed Replicated Edge Agency Machine</h2>
- <p>The <abbr title="Public Universal Base: Libre Infrastructure Community">PUBLIC</abbr>
- <abbr>DREAM</abbr> is an ongoing research program part of the
- <abbr title="Next Generation Internet">NGI</abbr> initiative of
- the European Commission.
- </p>
- <p>In 2021, we will research and build technical solutions to
- empower communities everywhere to independently collaborate in the
- local creation and maintenance of open knowledge. The goal of
- DREAM is to enable the convergence of distributed
- <abbr title="Peer-to-Peer">P2P</abbr> networks and linked
- data models, within social solidary economy and
- organize among trusted groups.</p>
- <p>For example, a group may collect, share, and edit local
- commons data offline, then synchronize these datasets with other
- trusted peers and enrich a globally distributed database that
- can be used from the Web and edited asynchronously by
- independent parties over the P2P network.
- </p>
- </section>
- </aside>
- <article>
- <section id="for-activists">
- <h2>For Activists</h2>
- <p>During the year we will propose hands-on collaborative
- workshops to inform software development, exploring and refining
- patterns of group collaboration. Participants sharing similar
- interests can form a group and enhance their collaborative
- practices. They can choose to work and organize online or
- offline—when they reconnect to the Internet, they may optionally
- share their work globally.</p>
- <nav><a href="/pub/for-activists">read more</a></nav>
- </section>
- <section id="for-developers">
- <h2>For Developers</h2>
- <p>We're designing and documenting a peer-to-peer framework that
- others can build upon and will provide a set of reusable free
- software libraries, components and reference implementations.
- DREAM components are designed to work together but may be used
- independently:
- <ul>
- <li>DROMEDAR provides conflict-free replicated data structures to distribute linked data;</li>
- <li>UPSYCLE provides a peer-to-peer networking system for private encrypted group collaboration;</li>
- <li>SHRUTHI provides unikernel orchestration and provisioning capabilities.</li>
- </ul>
- </p>
- <nav><a href="/pub/for-developers">read more</a></nav>
- </section>
- <section id="dream-team">
- <h2>DREAM Team</h2>
- <p><abbr>DREAM</abbr> is part of the <abbr>NGI</abbr> <abbr title="NGI Program for Open INTErnet Renovation">POINTER</abbr> funding scheme (<code>NGI POINTER-20</code>) and
- received a 200,000 € grant to research and develop DREAM
- components over the year 2021. The grant is handled by <em>petites singularités</em>, a non-profit based in Brussels.</p>
- <p>Contact the team and learn how the project came about.</p>
- <nav><a href="/pub/dream-team">read more</a></nav>
- </section>
- </article>
- </main>
- <aside>
- <header>
- <p>Our public forum is open!<br>See <a href="">what's cooking</a>.</p>
- </header>
- <article class="topics-list">
- <section id="wp1">
- <h2><a href="/c/wp1-design/8">DESIGN</a></h2>
- <d-topics-list discourse-url="" per-page="5" category="8" status="open"></d-topics-list>
- </section>
- <section id="wp2">
- <h2><a href="/c/wp2-software/9">SOFTWARE</a></h2>
- <d-topics-list discourse-url="" per-page="5" category="9" status="open"></d-topics-list>
- </section>
- <section id="wp3">
- <h2><a href="/c/wp3-community/10">COMMUNITY</a></h2>
- <d-topics-list discourse-url="" per-page="5" category="10" status="open"></d-topics-list>
- </section>
- <section id="wp4">
- <h2><a href="/c/wp4-reporting/6">REPORTING</a></h2>
- <d-topics-list discourse-url="" per-page="5" category="6" status="open"></d-topics-list>
- </section>
- </article>
- </aside>
- <footer>
- <nav>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#for-activists">For Activists</a></li>
- <li><a href="#for-developers">For Developers</a></li>
- <li><a href="#dream-team">Contact</a></li>
- </ul>
- </nav>
- <p><span title="PUBLIC is Petites Singularités and DREAM contributors">Copyright ©2020 PUBLIC</span> — <a href=""></a></p>
- </footer>
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